
Mokena Pool Chemicals

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Mokena Pool Chemicals

Taking care of your pool is often an enjoyable process. While a new pool owner may feel intimidated by having to add chemicals to the water, it’s quite simple if you know what you are doing. At Caribbean Pools, we make maintaining your pool a breeze with our wide range of Mokena pool chemicals. We have plenty of options both in-store and in our online shop. We’re happy to provide the advice you need to make sure your pool water stays crystal clear all summer long. 

Types of Pool Chemicals

Maintaining a swimming pool involves adding the right chemicals to prevent algae growth, kill bacteria and keep it smelling fresh. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to choosing chemicals for your pool and spa. Depending on the size of your pool, you will need certain concentration levels of chemicals, so plan on visiting our professionals for advice. If you are a pool newbie, our team can help you choose the right types of chemicals and help you learn how to add and measure them. 

Caribbean Pools has all the essential pool chemicals, including:

    • Sanitizers. Pools are prone to becoming filled with bacteria. Sanitizing destroys bacteria so your pool stays clean and safe. 
    • Cleaners. There is a range of products that are used to keep your pool clean. They are used to clean the sides of your pool, the filters, remove stains and more. 
    • Shock. Pool shock is a chemical used to disinfect. It’s available in liquid and granular forms and raises your pool’s free chlorine levels. 
    • Algicide. Algae can be a major problem if overlooked. Your pool will be cloudy and dirty to swim in. Algae may also harm certain components of your pool, so regularly adding an algicide will help to mitigate its growth.
    • Spa Chemicals. Hot tubs require special chemicals considering their higher temperatures and different features. We have all the spa chemicals you need to keep it clean and safe to use. 

Each of these chemicals has its own benefits, so you’ll need a combination to maintain your pool’s cleanliness and beauty. The Caribbean Pools team will help you find what you need.  

What Makes Mokena Pool Chemicals So Important

Pool chemicals play an essential role in your pool’s quality. Not only are you keeping the water safe to enjoy, but you will protect the technical components of your pool and therefore extend its lifeline. Pool chemicals have a number of benefits:

  • Fresher smell
  • Clean water
  • Safe to swim in 

Pool chemicals can also be used to balance chlorine and pH levels. When your pool water’s pH is thrown off, it can result in discoloration and damage to the sides of your pool. You don’t want the water to be too basic or too acidic, so adding the right pH balancers will ensure the levels stay in an appropriate range. 

Contact Us Today to Get Started

Discover all the Mokena pool chemicals you need right at Caribbean Pools! Our professional pool contractors are here to make maintaining your pool simple. Let us help you select the chemicals you need to keep your pool clean this summer. Visit us today!

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