Product Features:
- 99% Sodium dichloro-dihydrate
- 56% available chlorine
- pH of 1 % solution = 6.0
- 1 lb. of dichloro per 10,000 gallons of water increases CYA 7 ppm
- Quick dissolving stabilized chlorinating granules
- Restores water clarity
- For all pool surfaces
- Excellent for sanitizing small above ground pools
What it does:
Super Soluble is an effective chlorinating sanitizer. Use of Super Soluble helps you maintain crystal blue and sparkling water. It kills bacteria and algae, is fast-dissolving and easy to apply, and is suitable for all pool types.
When/Why does ALEX recommend this product:
Chlorine Pools
- If the oxidizer is set to Super Soluble and low chlorine or combined chlorine is present.
- Or if the free chlorine is low, there is not a high combined chlorine (over 0.8 ppm) and an ionization system is being used.
- If the volume is < 2500 gallons in conjunction with Banish for algae growth.
- For regular maintenance if selected as the maintenance oxidizer.
Mineral Springs Pools
- For low chlorine for Mineral Springs Startup, or low chlorine for a pool being converted from Chlorine Generator to Mineral Springs.
- For low chlorine if selected in the oxidizer field as an alternative to the Sanitizer Boost setting.
- For regular maintenance if selected as the maintenance oxidizer.
Application rate and instructions:
For use as a chlorinating sanitizer: Balance the pool according to ALEX instructions or label directions. With the pump running, broadcast 4 oz. of Super Soluble per 10,000 gallons directly into the water in the deep end of the pool as an initial treatment. To treat smaller pools, add one level teaspoon (tsp.) of Super Soluble per 200 gallons of water. Repeat additions until a residual of 1 – 4 ppm chlorine is established. To prevent damage to the pool surface, use a pool brush to disperse granules that may have settled to the bottom of the pool. NEVER ALLOW UNDISSOLVED PRODUCT TO REST IN CONTACT WITH BLEACHABLE POOL SURFACES.
Regular use of a test kit or test strips is necessary to determine when it is necessary to add another dose of this product to maintain a residual of 1-4 ppm available chlorine in the pool water. An average daily dose requirement is 2-3 oz. of this product per 10,000 gallons of water. For smaller pools, average daily dose requirement is 1/2 – 3/4 teaspoon of this product per 200 gallons of water.
For use as a Shock: Broadcast 1 lb. of Super Soluble per 10,000 gallons directly into the water in the deep end of the pool. To prevent damage to the pool surface, use a pool brush to disperse any granules that may have settled to the bottom of your pool. NEVER ALLOW UNDISSOLVED PRODUCT TO REST IN CONTACT WITH BLEACHABLE POOL SURFACES.
If the water temperature is less than 70° F, or as alternate application procedure, predissolve this product prior to applying evenly to the deep end of the pool. Dissolve outdoors in a clean plastic bucket, stirring with a clean plastic or wooden spoon. Add Super Soluble to water; NEVER add water to product. NEVER add more than 1 pound of this product to less than 3 gallons of cool water. Do not mix with other products when predissolving.
Reentry into treated swimming pools is prohibited above levels of 4 ppm chlorine due to risk of bodily injury.