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Tips for Maintaining Your Automatic Pool Cover

You have invested in an automatic safety cover for your pool to keep your friends, young guests, pets and wildlife safe and sound. Now, it is time to invest in your pool cover in order to make sure that it is around for years to come. By being mindful of routine maintenance, you can keep your automatic pool cover working as it should.

Below is a Top 10 checklist to follow for a well-maintained cover:

  1. Keep water off the top of your cover so that it does not pool up and stand. Put a cover pump to use. These are easy to use and quickly clear up any pooling water.
  2. Also, keep any debris off of your cover as too much stuff can put unnecessary weight on top of your cover. A soft pool brush can be used to safely remove any buildup of debris.
  3. After you have balanced out your pool water with the addition of chemicals, you should leave your cover open for about 2 hours. This allows the water to air out and breathe properly without a buildup of gasses.
  4. Keep an eye on your cover’s tracks on a regular basis during the season. You can use a hose to spray out any buildup of little pieces of debris. If you have a saltwater pool, standing saltwater can cause track wear and tear, so keep the area rinsed.
  5. You should also watch for any type of accumulation of dirt or debris in the pool cover housing. You do not want the clog to get gummed up.
  6. Even if you are not using the pool, open up the cover at least once a week during swimming season to allow for any gasses to get out.
  7. Your pool cover’s fabric should be watched carefully for any damage. Wear and tear can occur to the fabric as time goes on and lots of sun and chemicals. You do not want your cover to become stiff or the stitching on the webbing to disintegrate.
  8. Take a good look whenever you are opening or closing the cover so that there are not any obstructions in the way.
  9. Of course, watch out for swimmers or jumpers and make sure that any swimming guests understand that they cannot be in the water as the cover is closing.
  10. Have a professional technician who is knowledgeable about pool covers take a look annually at your cover. An expert will better be able to determine if there is a need for any repairs. 

Find Out More From Our Pool Experts

At Caribbean Pools & Spas, our team can guide you on many aspects of inground pool ownership as well as launch you into the season with a new inground pool installed. Stop into one of our locations to pick up supplies or outdoor oasis essentials or contact our team with questions through our online contact form. 




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